If you want beautiful hair just like you see models flaunting in TV ads, then follow these simple and natural tips at an affordable salon near me or at home, for hair to give that luster and shine:
1. Good Cleanliness
Dandruff and an itchy scalp are the number one reason for hair fall. It is essential to maintain a good level of cleanliness for strong and beautiful hair. Any women’s hairstylist will agree to it.
2. Avoid Hot Water for Washing Hair
Hot water strips the hair of its natural protective oils. Avoid hot water showers; go for a temperature that is just a bit warmer than your body temperature. Hot water makes hair dry and brittle. Whenever you go to a beauty salon in my area pay attention to the temperature of the water for your hair wash.
3. Use Honey for Amazing Shine
Add 2-3 tablespoons of honey, to your daily hair conditioner, depending on the length of your hair. You can apply this concoction evenly on your wet hair after shampooing at home or at Hair Salon Penrith. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse off. Honey helps to close down hair cuticles and leaves your hair shiny and smooth.
4. Baking Soda for Deep Cleansing
Make a mixture of 3 tablespoons of baking soda and some water. Give your hair a rinse with this after shampooing. Let it sit for 5 minutes then rinse off. Baking Soda Therapy removes excess shampoo and styling products from your hair and deeply cleans it. You can get this done at any good Hairdresser in Balmain.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar for Bouncy Hair
For bouncy hair apply a mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar in the ratio of 1:1 to your hair. Let sit 5 minutes then rinse it to get rid of the cider smell. You can do it at home or at Penrith Beauty Salon.
6. Avoid Daily Washing
You should wash your hair alternate days for the proper regulation of natural hair oils. Daily washing rips the hair off its natural oils. Washing hair alternate days will help you regain your hair’s natural posture and body.
7. Eggs and Yogurt Conditioner
Mix 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of yoghurt, beat well and rub it into your scalp. Leave this protein-packed conditioner on for 10 minutes and wash off with shampoo. You can head to the nearest hair and beauty salon for this treatment and ask the experienced hairdressing professionals to give your hair this natural protein treatment.
8. Oiling for Strong Hair
If your hair is dry and damaged, use almond oil. Pour some oil into a bowl and warm it up for 40 seconds in the microwave. Now evenly apply it to your scalp and roots of your hair. You can have a head massage at Penrith Day Spa. Leave on for 30 minutes then wash off with shampoo and finish off with a conditioner.
These are some easy natural tips for healthy and shiny hair, that you can do at home or get them done at an affordable haircut salon near me.